Role of the Governing Body
The Governing Body is responsible for overseeing the managing of the school and its finances, whilst delegating to the Headteacher the responsibility for the day to day running of the school. The Governing Body acts as a critical friend by asking questions of the Headteacher, regarding standards and levels of achievement etc, and also assists in the strategic planning of the school with input into the School Improvement plan each year.
St Peter's CE Junior School Local Governing Board:
Chair: Mrs Suzanne Forster - Trust Governor
Mr Steve Grundy - Trust Governor
Ms Ruth Slade Walker - Trust Governor
Mrs Kay Chisholm - Trust Governor
Ms Harriet Wray - Trust Governor
Mrs Helene Roe – Trust (PCC) Governor
Dr Julie Law - Parent Governor
Mrs Tahira Hussain - Parent Governor
Rev Alicia Dring - Ex Officio
Mr Frazer Smith- Headteacher
Mrs Pam Miles - Clerk to Governors
Governor link roles
- Child Protection and Safeguarding: Ms Harriet Wray
- Looked after Children: Ms Harriet Wray
- SEND: Mrs Suzanne Forster
- Health and Safety: Mr Steve Grundy
- Pupil Premium - Mrs Ruth Slade Walker
- Mental Health - Dr Julie Law
If you wish to contact any member of the Governing Board, please contact the Clerk (Pam Miles) using the email address,